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Forumi->Aktuelno->Protesti protiv klimatskog samita u Kopenhagenu 2009->Re: Protesti protiv klimatskog samita u Kopenhagenu 2009

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Re: Protesti protiv klimatskog samita u Kopenhagenu 2009

December 12th 2009 Mass demonstration starting at the Danish parliament - Stay in the city. Choose your own space and way of protest.

December 13th 2009 HIT THE PRODUCTION! - come and join the action to shutdown capitalist production

December 15th 2009 RESISTANCE IS RIPE - agricultural action day

December 16th 2009 Arrival of high delegates. 'RECLAIM POWER! Pushing for climate justice' action at the conference center, organizes by CJA

December 18th 2009 The official last day of the summit

Some people call for anticapitalist march together with mass demonstration at Dec.12, some people call to stay in the city, as we see below. Logic conclusion is that leftists call for anticapitalist march together with mass demo while insurrectionists call for decentralized and autonomous actions.

Get heard not herded!
By accepting the form of protest designed to them by the state and leaving the city to march to the COP15 summit center on December 12th, the reformists are helping create undeserved legitimacy for a failed system.
In the barren fields around the center the voices of protest will fall only on the deaf ears of bought out politicians and corrupt officials.
You have a choice! Make your voice heard - refuse to be herded. Stay in the city. Choose your own space and way of protest. We need all forms of action to achieve real change.
Power to the people!

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u: Pet 11 of Dec, 2009 [19:20 UTC] ocena: 0.00 čitanja: 3118

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